Food Inc.
What impacted me the most of this film was how companies made an illusion of their products. How they hide so many things from us and we don’t even have a clue. It struck me how people go so far and do anything because of their greed, their selfishness, for money. How they just can’t get enough.
I agree that something must be done; having seen this film shows how animals are treated and what the effects are caused by it. Companies must change their way of feeding animals people have died because of it. If we take put ourselves in the animals it might change our mind, animals must be able to eat what their suppose to eat. It will not only help them but also help us.
We can apply this to almost any comparison situation, try feeling what others feel. Treat other like you want to be treated, give more get more.
I discuses the movie with my mom and she gave me her point of view. She believes that it’s too late to completely go back to the older days where everyone harvest their food our busy society makes it all most impossible. Most people today don’t even have time to cook for themselves, they prefer stopping by a fast food. Another important point she brought up is that our over growing population has steamed the growth and production of the food industry.
What impacted me the most of this film was how companies made an illusion of their products. How they hide so many things from us and we don’t even have a clue. It struck me how people go so far and do anything because of their greed, their selfishness, for money. How they just can’t get enough.
I agree that something must be done; having seen this film shows how animals are treated and what the effects are caused by it. Companies must change their way of feeding animals people have died because of it. If we take put ourselves in the animals it might change our mind, animals must be able to eat what their suppose to eat. It will not only help them but also help us.
We can apply this to almost any comparison situation, try feeling what others feel. Treat other like you want to be treated, give more get more.
I discuses the movie with my mom and she gave me her point of view. She believes that it’s too late to completely go back to the older days where everyone harvest their food our busy society makes it all most impossible. Most people today don’t even have time to cook for themselves, they prefer stopping by a fast food. Another important point she brought up is that our over growing population has steamed the growth and production of the food industry.